Content Marketing in 1895 – How is this Possible?

Content Marketing in 1895 – How is this Possible?

A model sashays down a catwalk in a fluorescent wig wearing 8-inch stiletto heels and the crowd goes wild with appreciation and wonder. Just two weeks later, that same crowd have decided that fluorescent wigs and too-tall heels are the most unfashionable thing in the world.

Such is the nature of fashion and, though to a less dramatic extent, also the nature of web design and development. Trends in marketing techniques come and go but some (in the same way as denim jeans) have stood the test of time – find out which in our latest article.

Content Marketing

Long before the internet existed, let alone before it became the behemoth it is today, content marketing was a thriving force. The Furrow, a magazine produced by agricultural/­industrial manufacturer John Deere that was first published in 1895, is perhaps the most classic example – magazine subscribers became or already were customers of the brand and would receive access to exclusive information and product promotions.

Content marketing is, currently, one of the most-used techniques to promote goods and services online. Figures released by the Content Marketing Institute show that 76% of B2Cs and 88% of B2Bs employ the diverse and far-reaching strategy.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

One of the phrases you are likely to hear when talking about e-commerce websites is ‘SEO is dead’ – this is simply not true. The claim has been made for years (since at least 1997, meaning that SEO has apparently been dead for nearly two decades) and is no truer now than it ever was.

There will always be searching – that is human nature and is how we learn. There will always be an engine that facilitates the searching.

There will always be methods of optimising the search. Just like Punk, SEO’s not dead!

Social Media

Glance quickly through the windows of an almost-empty restaurant and you’re likely to keep moving – look into a busy, thriving and highly-kinetic restaurant and chances are you’ll soon be in there, at a table and placing your order. This effect is caused by informational social influence or ‘social proof’, whereby we trust the actions and reactions of a sizeable group of people and copy their behaviour. You have no idea if the food is good or not but you assume it is based on the sheer amount of people saying so.

Social proof in the digital arena comes in the form of likes, shares, ratings and reviews. The more of these there are, the greater the social proof effect and the more visitors are converted.

So, how can you make these three techniques work for you? Start by getting a detailed SEO audit of your website absolutely FREE with compliments of Brickweb (Web Development Company). Then, call or chat with our team LIVE online to find out another internet marketing technique that has stood the test of time…

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